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Photographic Project - The Inner Fight

This is a series of photographs I took to represent the inner and eternal fight
against our own demons and the helpless state we find ourselves in when
facing an unknown enemy.
In this set I portray the hope paradox; surrendering and flirting with the beast
hoping to deceive it and master it. I depict the agony, the fear, the pain, the
despair, the fight, and finally the freedom, but also the exhaustion following
the struggle.
The series of pictures, placed in a specific order, are meant to tell a story that
no words can describe, while monochrome is enhancing the drama and the
plethora of emotions jumping out of them.
Part of my Photographic explorations - June 2020

The beast

The Beast

The imprisoned soul

The inner fight.jpg

The beast

the imprisoned soul

the darkness

the hope

the fight

the freedom.

The darkness

The inner fight.jpg

The hope

The inner fight.jpg

The fight

The inner fight.jpg

The freedom

The inner fight.jpg
The inner fight -.jpg
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